Garden Part 1

Growing up we had a garden most years. I loved the tiny baby carrots fresh from the dirt. So sweet and tender. My mom grew these amazing strawberries in a rock garden and we had several rhubarb plants. I am sure this is where I learned to love dirt. The loamy feel of it in my hands, the earthy smell surrounding me. Moving into this house has opened the opportunity for us to have our own garden. Mr. Ramon has never actually grown anything before so this is going to be a fun adventure for us. I am so excited.
We watched the sun in the backyard for several weeks to determine the location that would get the most sun. With the three dogs I knew we needed to enclose the garden or risk them running through and digging up the plants.
I did some research on building a fence. The key it seems are the posts. Making sure you bury enough post and secure it with the right type of concrete. We mapped out the space and decided on 5 posts and using the current fence as an anchor for the wiring.
We are without power tools so it is nice that the guys at Home Depot will cut your wood for you. This made it easier to get into the mini cooper as well. We also picked up the concrete - quick type. The next weekend while I was at the shop Mr. Ramon dug the post holes, leveled them and set the posts with concrete. I was super impressed. The fifth post he will put in once we decide on a gate.
Sophie decided to help dad dig!
This is a good size area that will work for the size of garden we are planning on planting this year as well as give room for growth next year and then down the road for whoever gardens in this space.
We decided on open wire fencing. Really affordable and nice looking. We bought a roll of it and I used large staples to secure it to the posts.
I am excited about the progress so far and looking forward to finishing this part so we can get to the exciting part - the planting!
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